You are committed to improving Australia's health through excellence in pharmacist care. We are committed to supporting you.
Join Australia's peak body for pharmacists across all practice settings. Together we can advance our profession and empower all pharmacists to reach their potential.
We're for pharmacists Ayomide Ogundipe MPS Community Pharmacist
PSA Member since 2016
Ayomide Ogundipe_image EXPLORE THE BENEFITS
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Pharmacists in 2030 link to information
Link to PSA Intern Training Program
Link to PSA25 registration

Need help with membership? Please contact the friendly PSA Member Services team at membership@psa.org.au or 1300 369 772.


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NOTICE: Please be aware we will be performing routine maintenance on our Online Learning platforms on Sunday March 30th between 08AM and 10AM AEDT.
We apologise for any convenience this may cause and thank you for your continued support.